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About Ambleside

Ambleside Logic is led by Aaron Rosenbaum. Father of 3, Programming since 7, DevOps since 11 (hacking RSTS), exIngres, exCTP, exCohera. Sold two companies to Oracle, one to HP. Research + Strategy for NoSQL/BigData ecosystem implementors, vendors and investors.





Initial Consultation
We consult with you about your Design.jpgproject and lifestyle. We review your living habits, movie, TV and music tastes, review floor plans and talk about project goals. We'll cover issues like working from home, use of PDA's and cell phones, use of digital camera and even how grandparents like to keep up with watching the kids (ask us about one-way video conferencing for out of town grandparents.)



Room Details
The rough details of each room are established (i.e., "mid-range Plasma in Family, distributed audio zone in Dining.) This allows for the establishment of a rough budget and schedule. In addition, specific requirements for acoustics, dedicated facilities, etc. are established. We also try to determine seating height and location at this point for theatres.



Pre-wire plan
Long before equipment is purchased or installed, decisions about wiring need to be made. While equipment may last 5-7 years, the wiring infrastructure should last 20 years. Detailed plans are drawn so contractors can bid on the pre-wire without ambiguity.



Functional Design
Before selecting equipment or making final interior decisions, detailed planning on exactly what the entire system will do must take place. We walk through the entire house making sure that we understand the usage goals for every room, in every situation. While everything might not be addressed in the final design, all inputs are important for planning the system.



Schematic Design
Before any equipment is bought or wire is installed, we'll lay out how all the equipment works together. Since most of our equipment works over TCP/IP, this is fairly simple but extremely necessary for automation and non-IP products.