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About Ambleside

Ambleside Logic is led by Aaron Rosenbaum. Father of 3, Programming since 7, DevOps since 11 (hacking RSTS), exIngres, exCTP, exCohera. Sold two companies to Oracle, one to HP. Research + Strategy for NoSQL/BigData ecosystem implementors, vendors and investors.

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Getting ready for NetFlix on iPhones

Last tuesday, 9/29, Warner Brothers released a restored version of Wizard of Oz in Blu-ray.  It's currently the #2 selling title on Amazon.

They released to the rental market on the same day - it's on Vudu, Amazon VOD and iTunes.  Thats nice but not out of the ordinary.

What's interesting is that NetFlix is hosting free access to any and all viewers on October 3.  If you don't have a netflix account, you can view on your PC, if you do have a netflix account and a netflix enabled device, you can view in HD.  This is quite a stress test....Are they proving they are a viable channel to Cable?  Trying to validate their network to prepare for iPhone? Or settling a bet with a warner exec?  Who knows....

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